It’s Gettin’ Hot in Here….
I remember my first hot yoga class the way that someone who is an ex-smoker remembers their first cigarette. Since I am also the latter I know of what I speak. My local studio offers both heated and...
View ArticleYou Can Run, but You Can’t Hide Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose)
My spirit takes a journey My spirit takes a flight Could not have risen otherwise And I am not running I’m choosing Running is not a choice from the breaking Breaking is freeing Broken is freedom I am...
View ArticleTo My Yogis and Yoginis who Practice when Sick
I had a dream last night that I was eating sandpaper. More accurately, someone was trying to shove sandpaper down my throat. Sorta weird I guess, but this comes from the chick who dreams entire...
View ArticlePopsicle Toes – Tuladandasana and Virabhadrasana III
You’re so brave to expose all those popsicle toes. -Michael Franks It’s crazy how much yoga gets you in touch with every part of your body, even down to a cellular level. Different poses can trigger...
View ArticleAdventures in Hot Yoga – Half Locust Pose
Tony Parrish has a football yoga workout. This is pretty great for a variety of reasons. I’ve mentioned that I’m a heat junkie. Can’t lie- it does something for me. The heat makes me pliable and that...
View ArticleLivin’ on the Edge
There’s one teacher at my hot studio that I love and hate (in the nicest way possible) because she she pushes me so I ride the edge. You know the edge- it’s the place where you break down to break...
View ArticleVegan Diaries – PIZZA!!!!
After class on Friday I picked up some veggies from the fruit market and stopped at the local pizza joint. ‘Dough please!’ They didn’t hand over money, but they did charge me 5 smackers for a enough...
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